Spoooky Soundzania Newlsetter

Welcome to the October spoooky Soundzania newsletter… whats spooky is that three things have come together at the same time… ooohhh… threes.  Well, other than that, not much spooky about it though. This month the big news is that we’ve got 3 fun things you can do.  Give at least one of them a try, they don’t take much more than a click and you can have fun, and even give a gift away:

Listen to a new song!
Click play below and check out this little ditty we wrote about Halloween… a free one, on us. Enjoy, and please post your comments after giving it a listen.


Giveaway a FREE CD to a Friend !
We’ve been thinking… how do we get more people and kids! to hear (and dance to) Soundzania? Most of you on this list already have bought your own copy and you are kindly reading these monthly updates.  Well, now you have the ability to give away FREE CDs to YOUR FRIENDS !  Check out this link for the details. We’re not kidding, we’ll ship it and everything, so go ahead and try it out and share the love 🙂

Become a Fan on Facebook
We had a Facegroup for a while (Citizens of Soundzania), but a group just sort of sits there.  We’ve now built a page in Facebook where we can post other information and stay in touch through Facebook.  So, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to become a fan of Soundzania!

Well that wraps it up for October.  I hope everyone is ready for Halloween and getting some fun costumes.

Until next time… Sounds Good and Good Sounds


Back-to-School in Soundzania

Ah, back to school time.  We’ve kicked off the year just fine out our house and hope you all have as well.  I’m kind of psyched because we have some new activities for the kids this year.  I’m looking forward to bringing Soundzania to some local preschools again this year with my new dobro!A very fun instrument - need to write some new songs on it

Recently, Soundzania helped kick-off a block party and gave a fun live performance including Lee Parker, Andy Berry, Ken Hougasian, myself.. and the magic carpet.  Yes, the magic carpet made a second appearance and the kids immediately took to it.  We’re going to have to program more sounds into it!

Well, thats about it for now, we’re still in the planning phase for the next Soundzania album.  If you have a fun story from elementary school, share it by replying to this, or posting a comment.

Now, for the monthly discount -use [coupon code available to those who sign-up for the newsletter] to get 20% off anything in the Soundzania store, pick up a cool t-shirt, or order some with school colors to show some spirit!  Nothing better than some tie-dyed Soundzania shirts with your own school colors.

Have a great school year and until next time –

Sounds good and good sounds


August Newsletter from Soundzania

Wow – another month of summer (or less) before school begins.

Can’t say we’ve been doing much in Soundzania except going to the pool and eating ice cream – rough life, I know.  I’ve been thinking a lot about the next CD we are going to be creating.  While we don’t plan on being done until Christmas of 2010 – we are planning for it now.  I’ll keep you all posted on its progress and probably share a few song ideas along the way.

We’ve done our school supplies shopping already and are ready to go into new grades and schools.  To be sure everyone has a CD to play and share with school friends you can pick one up for just $7 until Sept 15th!!  Either CD for $7.  If you want a shirt to go to school in style – pick up a custom made Soundzania tee for just $9.95 !  These deals are only around until Sept 15th – so pick one up today, and feel free to forward this to friends.

The code to enter at checkout is [provided only to those who have signed up for the newsletter].

Well, I hope everything is going well in your corner.  So, until next time:

Sounds Good and Good Sounds


Summer in Soundzania


Does it feel like summer where you are?  It’s starting to feel like it here.  The kids are splashing in the pool almost every day – we’ve been eating more than our share of hot dogs and hamburgers and ice cream… I think its summer!  I hope your summer is going well too.

New Friends

It’s been lazy in Soundzania – just staying cool and listening to some music.  We have a new instrument in town – the Dobro (seen to the right over there -> ).  You can expect an appearance on our next album (planned for 2010).What shall we call him/her??

Add Music

Pretty much everyone on this newsletter has picked up a CD of Soundzania along the way and I want to say Thank You again.  I sure hope the little ones are enjoying the music and would love to hear your comments on it.  Hit reply and let me know, or comment on the web page.  Either way, let us know.

Share the Love

While we’re talking about those past CDs, we still have plenty to spread over the land and want to get them into as many ears (hands) as possible.  So, from now until August 15th, we are running a massive sale on the pair of CDs.  50% off the normal price when you buy the pair!!  [only the people subcribed to the newsletter get the coupon code] I’m hoping that you can think of a friend or two who has children that would also enjoy the music.  Share this email with them – give them the coupon code!  This is a great deal and it will bring some cool tunes to the house/car/pool for the summer.

Then, after sharing the deal with your friends, have some watermelon and ice cream 🙂

Happy Summer-

So, until next time – sounds good and good sounds


Soundzania June Newsletter

Soundzania June Newsletter

Oops – we skipped May, anyone notice?  Well, we had good reason.  May was very busy for Soundzania.
Greetings from Soundzania
Preschoolers Love Ukelele
First, we performed at another local preschool.  Yes, this is becoming a habit 🙂  I really enjoy seeing the looks on everyone faces as I introduce them to instrument after instrument.  This time, the ukelele brought the house down – they got out of their seats and started dancing.  Wonderful!  I recorded the show and posted a portion of it on soundzania.com for you to view here.  Forward this email to your child’s preschool – or let them know about Soundzania – I’d be happy to perform there 🙂

Having a good time at a double birthday party

A Magic Carpet at a Birthday Party
Second, like we’ve said in some of the past newsletters, we’ve been working on a new instrument.  Well, it debuted, live at a birthday party!  It was a hit! The Magic Carpet showed up and the kids jumped on it to make all sorts of fun sounds.  We also used it to play games during the party.  For this birthday party, we rallied two of the other Dads who helped compose the Soundzania CDs – Ken Hougasian and Andy Berry.  The three of us performed several favorites at the birthday party.  We have couple of clips from the performance here.  If you know of a birthday party coming up soon that could use a little Soundzania – let us know – we’d be happy to help celebrate!
Isn't it a nice little violin?
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for…
As always – thanks for your support!  This month’s coupon code will be [click here to sign-up for the newsletter to get coupon codes] That code will bring you $3 off ANYthing in the Soundzania store.  Enjoy !!  Please – share this email with friends you know who might also enjoy Soundzania.
So, until next time – sounds good and good sounds!


ps: You can stay up to date with other events in Soundzania by watching our RSS feed here

Performance at a Birthday Party

Soundzania was invited to perform at a friend’s birthday party – what fun !!  We recorded it, of course, and can share a clip here with you.

We debuted a new instrument – the Magic Carpet… thats right, a magic carpet!  The kids had a good time jumping on the carpet and making crazy sounds.  We’ve got lots of ways to make the magic carpet part of the fun of a birthday party.

If you have a little one with a birthday coming up, let us know !  We’d love to come out and perform for the party!


Performance at Knollwood Preschool

Sorry for the late post, but things have been very busy at Soundzania.  New instruments are arriving at an alarming pace – but more about that later.Meet the instruments

Knollwood Preschool had Soundzania come visit in May.  We, well I, came in and brought the standard fare of instruments:  stand-up bass, acoustic guitar, banjo, ukelele, kazoo and a new one…. the accordion.

I performed on two different days and everyone had a wonderful time.  I loved it when the kids just got up and started dancing during the Soundzania theme song – that was a blast!  I think its the kazoo that does it 🙂

I’ve included a video here to show to some of it as it happened.  I will likely be coming back to Knollwood at some point next year as well, so if you’re kid goes there, they’re in for a treat next year 🙂

So, long for now, and enjoy the video.

If your child goes to a local preschool, and you would like Soundzania to come visit, please let me know – scott@soundzania.com


Love playing the accordion

April Soundzania Newsletter

[emailed directly to people who signed up for the newsletter, including a coupon code for $3 off]

By now, most of us have filed our taxes (I hope).  I personally did it twice comparing two online services.  I don’t recommend that 🙂


Whats been happening in Soundzania?  A few  interesting requests, that’s what.  We are now working on plans for three more performances to bring our love of music to the little ears around us.  We will be doing another performance for another local preschool, we will be performing at a private birthday party (that one will include some fun games!) and are working on plans for performing at a theatre (again, bringing an interactive component into the show).


We’re very excited about these opportunities and certainly welcome more requests for performances like these.  We will try to post some more video clips from these performances to share some of the event if we can.


We’ll keep it brief this month and move right along to the coupon code.  From now through Mother’s Day (May 10th) take $3 off any purchase in Soundzania!  Use this money to take your Mom out for coffee on Mother’s Day!  Just enter the coupon code ** during checkout to earn the discount.  So, visit the Soundzania Store today!

I Love Mom

** Oops, coupon codes are only provided to people who sign-up for the newsletter



So, until next time – make sure Mom is happy – buy some fun kids music so she won’t tear her hair out listening to …. well… you know the music she can’t stand after 30 repeats in the car 🙂


ps: You can stay up to date with other events in Soundzania by watching our RSS feed here.

Soundzania Spring Newsletter

[emailed directly to people who signed up for the newsletter, but that one had the coupon code 🙂 ]


A little late this month, but it is now officially spring – and the weather is starting to look good!


Some exciting news – I visited a local pre-school and gave them a presentation 2 days in a row.  I recorded it and posted a short video clip on Soundzania here .  The presentation went over real well with the kids and I’ve been getting reports of kids picking up instruments that have  been lying around their house for years and for the first time, playing them every day and singing the songs from Soundzania.  What a wonderful thing to hear about!  Thats why I did it all.
This month we’re going to share a nice savings with you.  Why do we share these sales with you?  You’ve probably already bought the CD after all.  But… your friends haven’t all bought the CD – and maybe you didn’t get a copy of the first CD.  Anyway, we want our music listened to.  We want kids to have fun with it.  So, share this coupon code with all your friends, tell them “this Soundzania CD has great music for the kids and the parents won’t hate it even after the 200th play!”  I hear that from some of you when I talk with you.
Share it with your friends.
Coupon code :  sign-up for the newsletter to get the code
That will provide a 20% discount on anything you buy at Soundzania.com from now until Tax Day (April 15th).
We love sharing our music with you – help us spread the love!
So, until next time – sounds good and good sounds
ps.  keep on the lookout for an accordion video on the web site

A Fun Time at the Preschool

I recently gave a musical presentation to a local preschool.  It was a blast, so many good questions and quotes from the audience!  Like, after guessing the animals in one song, someone yelled out “we have very large brains”.  Of course they do!

While I was showing them the accordian, and letting them hear how it sounded, a girl in front raised her hand and said that it looked like a trumpet…  I said “Really?” eyebrows raised… she replied, “a square trumpet!”  Wow, nice perspective, I love it.

They were definitely enjoying the fun we had.  In all, I played acoustic guitar, stand-up bass, banjo, ukelele and kazoo, and I closed with accordian.  For the last song, I played a song the preschoolers were all familiar with (that they sing in the school regularly anyway) – This Little Light of Mine.  It brought down the house – if you can do that at a preschool!  Everyone was singing along.

So, I will be doing this again I am sure, and if you’re reading this and know of a school that would like a visit, give us a holler.

I captured it on video and have uploaded a clip of the part of the presentation with the ukelele and kazoo.  Give it a watch, its fun.