
These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt. On the front of each shirt is the “playground scene” from the first album Soundzania. On the back of the shirt “Soundzania is a place that you can go…” is printed in black lettering.

You can personalize it! Choose the custom tie-dye shirt below and get your school colors and one of our patterns for a custom tie-dye t-shirt.

Bulls-eye Purple w/ Turquoise/Fuschia

gotta love those bulls-eye patterns for bringing out the playground scene in front! Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Color-burst right Turquiose w/ Rainbow

big seas of turquoise with a nice little rainbow in the corner! Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Color-burst right Fuschia w/ Turquoise

wow, this one pops out! The fuschia is very bright and the color-burst creeps up on to the shoulder nicely. Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Banded Turquoise w/ Rainbow

Nice rainbow on the bottom, real bright turquoise! Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Banded Orange w/ Fuschia

makes me think of a creamsicle… mmm! Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Banded Green w/ Yellow/Turquoise

a very nice relief from the turquoise and fuschia ones. Very low key. Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Custom Tie-Dye

This is a hand-dyed shirt made to your specifications. Choose from several different designs and patterns. You can see how these patterns will look by the examples of other shirts on this page. Note: If you want a different color scheme than one we list, you can select “Choose Your Own Colors!”, then e-mail sales@soundzania.com after placing your order to specify the colors. Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Bulls-eye Turquiose w/ Green

what a nice tie-dye!! Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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These t-shirts are tie-dyed by hand by our very own Mandy Lynn. Each of these lively patterns make for a vibrant shirt.

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Plain White Soundzania Tee

The same Soundzania t-shirt only without the tie-dye. Nice plain white shirt. Save a little on this one. Printed on the back: soundzania is a place that you can go…

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